Business Deposit Rates
Accurate as of: March 1, 2025
Community Business Checking
Minimum Daily Balance1 |
APY2 |
up to $49,999.99 |
0.01% |
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 |
0.01% to 0.01% |
$100,000.00 - $249,999.00 |
0.01% to 0.01% |
$250,000.00 and up |
0.01% to 0.01% |
Non-Profit Business Checking
Minimum Daily Balance1 |
APY2 |
up to $49,999.99 |
0.15% |
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 |
0.15% to 0.15% |
$100,000.00 - $249,999.00 |
0.15% to 0.15% |
$250,000.00 and up |
0.15% to 0.15% |
Accurate as of: March 1, 2025
Business Money Market
Minimum Daily Balance1 |
APY2 |
up to $49,999.99 |
0.50% |
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 |
0.50% to 0.75% |
$100,000.00 - $249,999.99 |
0.75% to 1.51% |
$250,000.00 - $499,999.99 |
1.51% to 2.28% |
$500,000.00 - $999,999.99 |
2.28% to 3.18% |
$1,000,000.00 and up |
3.18% to 4.92% |
Business Statement Savings
Minimum Daily Balance1 |
APY2 |
No minimum |
0.15% |
1Minimum daily balance to earn stated APY.
2APY is Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of March 1, 2025. Rates subject to change without notice and may change after the account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings.